Keyboard NFTs
Hold Keyboard NFTs in your wallet to increase your daily earning potential
Last updated
Hold Keyboard NFTs in your wallet to increase your daily earning potential
Last updated
1) Price of Keyboard NFTs
The price to mint a Keyboard NFT will be 100 $TweetN and 0.1 $BNB (not officially). You will get a random NFT tier based on your luck
2) There will be 3 tiers of keyboard NFTs
Each tier-1 keyboard will grant users extra eligible $TweetN claims per day - potentially 30 $TweetN/day
Each tier-2 keyboard will grant users extra eligible $TweetN claims per day - potentially 20 $TweetN/day
Each tier-3 keyboard will grant users extra eligible $TweetN claims per day - potentially 10 $TweetN/day
You only need to hold NFT to start earning, no need to stake/unstake NFT
Each NFT is stackable. For example: If you hold 2 Tier-1, 3 Tier-2, 5 Tier-3 NFTs, you can make from up to 17 Tweet posts per day. If you want to earn more, mint more NFTs in order to increase your potential claim limit per day.
Each keyboard NFT will decay after 1 month and need to be renewed monthly. The maintenance fee to renew a NFT will be 100 $TweetN & 0.1$ BNB
Each qualified Tweet will earn the holder 10 $TweetN (not officially)